The Strut of a Bandit

8:01 PM Posted by Knox McCoy

My son struts. It is not purposeful, but this is factual.

The new found skill of walking has him traveling all around our house and into every room his little fingers and feet can gain access to. And it is all done with a sense of bravado that only a 15-month old can know.

It’s not a strut in an urban – Staying’ Alive – John Travolta – way. It’s more pure and honest than that. And he isn’t strutting for strutting sake or so that people will notice him.

It is involuntary.

His style is natural as though it is an organic celebration of what he is doing and the excitement that comes with it.

Sometimes when in our laundry room or bathroom, I will leave the door in a tremulous state of limbo; not totally open and not totally closed. My son is drawn to just such a door.

He will work to pry it open, grunting all the while because it’s hard work for little hands like his. But when he gets leverage on the door, he swings it open triumphantly and always, always stares me down.

He stands in the doorway like a bandit from the Wild West appearing defiantly in the doorway of a silenced saloon. And like a bandit, he slowly walks in and takes whatever...the hey... he wants.

And then he struts away in search of the next door to pry open and the next room to pilfer. Such is the life of a young bandit.

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